Sunday, January 07, 2007

Lunch Days 5 and 6

Lunch yesterday was Dweng Jang Chiggae - which is another Korean stew. This one is made from a kind of soy bean paste. I added some soy sauce and rice wine, but not as much as for the kimchi stew, and also tofu cubes, spinach, minced garlic and chopped zucchini. Like Kimchi Chiggae, you eat this over rice.

Today I got rid of a lot of leftovers. There was still half of the package of tofu, half of a zucchini, tons of kimchi, and a head of broccoli left over from before the pledge took effect (broccoli is one of the few vegetables I truly love - I eat it about five times a week). So I just stir fried all of this plus some garlic in a mixture of sesame and olive oil (steamed the broccoli and zucchini first of course!) and sprinkled it with soy sauce. It was actually quite tasty, which surprised me since I was about to break down and have a tuna sandwich instead - only ate the leftovers to be efficient. I guess it vaguely resembles Tubu Gimchi, which is the world's bar food par excellence. It's a so-called "side dish" popular in Korean bars - a plate of sliced tofu in some kind of sause (usually sesame-based) with kimchi. Very simple, but good (assuming you like kimchi - and I happen to love it). I lived on Tubu Gimchi on weekends in Korea!

Alright - after today I'm backing off of Korean food a bit. I'll probably unfreeze a lot of the soup I blogged about earlier, so these entries may disappear for a couple of days.

36 days and counting.


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